April 12, 2016
SBC | Price |
Raspberry Pi Model B+ | $25 |
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B | $35 |
Raspberry Pi 3 | $35 |
Raspberry Pi Zero | $5 |
Many more exist...
“The idea behind a tiny and affordable computer for kids came in 2006, when [the people behind the Pi] became concerned about the year-on-year decline in the numbers and skills levels of students entering Computer Science at University.”
Paraphrased from Raspberry Pi Foundation - About
"[W]e wanted a fruit name for nostalgic reasons, and the Pi comes from Python" (the programming language) ~ Liz Upton
Raspberry Pi is a trademark of the Raspberry Pi Foundation
The Pi's in front of you are model B+ or model 2 B
Node.js JavaScript server running on the Pi
open -a Marked\ 2 demo_notes/demo1.md
Network info
open -a Marked\ 2 demo_notes/demo2.md
David Crook <idcrook@idcrook.com>
Twitter: @idcrook
Github: @idcrook
Blog: github.crookster.org